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We are often asked to provide insurance coverage advice and opinions concerning direct insurance policies and bad faith claims, and, when we are asked  to handle coverage disputes, we attempt to resolve them without litigation and are often successful in doing so.  When these disputes cannot be resolved informally, we handle these matters in alternative dispute resolution forums or litigate them in federal or state courts.  We also defend first-party claims, and serve as appellate counsel in cases presenting important and precedent-setting coverage issues.


We also serve as monitoring counsel for insurers, including excess insurers, in matters involving medical malpractice, professional liability, and directors' and officers' liability.


We are also experienced in reinsurance matters, including issues concerning material misrepresentations and the duty of utmost good faith, the doctrines of follow-the-fortunes and follow-the-settlements, loss allocations, aggregation and accumulation, underwriting, proper communication, settlements and commutations and extracontractual obligations.  

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